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A Case for Eco-Fashion for Petites

There is no doubt the sustainable, eco-fashion scene has grown tremendously in recent years. Consumers are becoming more interested in and thoughtful about the clothes they wear and the missions and manufacturing practices behind the brands.

While I’ve written much about sustainable, ethical, and eco-fashion and interviewed many innovators in this sector in a past life, admittedly my real-life closet doesn’t really reflect that knowledge.…

Shop Less, But Shop Better | 2017 Green Black Friday Deals

It’s starting to be that busy time of the year and in the midst of all the chaos, I’ve been continually reminded to focus on family and my own well-being. I’ll be finishing up my graduate studies (for good!) right before Christmas this year and I’m so excited to spend time with my family and friends without the usual school distractions and stress looming over me.…

Orange Harp Makes Ethical Shopping Simple On iPhones


Socially conscious, quality, hassle-free shopping? There’s an app for that! Orange Harp is a new iOS app that makes eco-friendly, ethical shopping easy and convenient on a smartphone. Created by two women, programmer Anbu Anbalagapandian and attorney Kacie Gonzalez, Orange Harp is a carefully curated digital marketplace that features ethical, quality-made products from socially responsible brands. …

Grandt Mason: Upcycled Vegan Shoes, Ethically Made in South Africa

I was very excited to interview Grandt Mason, the founder of what may be the coolest (and first ever, as far as I’m aware of) ethically-made vegan footwear brand, Grandt Mason Originals. Straight out of Cape Town in South Africa, these shoes have so many awesome features that highlight comfort and sustainability while minimizing harmful effects on the environment.

Read Me On Ecouterre Today!

I’ve been a longtime reader of Ecouterre, an online website dedicated to reporting about eco-fashion, sustainable innovations, style, and design. I wrote a post on Ecouterre about an ingenious portable clothes dryer designed to benefit individuals in wet climates. The contraption is called the X&C Quick Assembly Dry Machine and it won a prestigious international design award in 2013, the Red Dot Design Award.