I’m finally taking a break for vacation this week (woohoo!) but Audrey from Vain Pursuits joins us today for a special guest post. (woohoo again!) Vain Pursuits is a Montreal-based natural skincare company that provides custom-made products tailored to your specific skincare needs.…
For Christina Siau, creating and seeking out satisfying, beautiful scents is something that’s in her genes. Coming from a family with three generations of herbalists and natural medicine practitioners, it’s easy to see how Siau came to create her lovely natural perfume line, Christy Organics.…
I was very excited to interview Grandt Mason, the founder of what may be the coolest (and first ever, as far as I’m aware of) ethically-made vegan footwear brand, Grandt Mason Originals. Straight out of Cape Town in South Africa, these shoes have so many awesome features that highlight comfort and sustainability while minimizing harmful effects on the environment.…
Today I’m on one of my favorite green beauty blogs, Organic Beauty Talk sharing my splurge versus steal picks for toners. Both products gently cleans, nourishes, and treats skin using simple ingredients. Head on over to OBT and have a read!…
Here’s another piece I wrote for Ecouterre that you can read online today. The full article is on Ecouterre’s website.
I wrote this article for Ecouterre after attending a presentation on the 103rd anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, one of the deadliest workplace fires in American history. …
I’ve been a longtime reader of Ecouterre, an online website dedicated to reporting about eco-fashion, sustainable innovations, style, and design. I wrote a post on Ecouterre about an ingenious portable clothes dryer designed to benefit individuals in wet climates. The contraption is called the X&C Quick Assembly Dry Machine and it won a prestigious international design award in 2013, the Red Dot Design Award.…
This tag was started by Rachel from All Natural Aspirations in her attempt to learn more about other bloggers’ experiences of “going green”. I was tagged by a favorite green beauty blogger of mine, Mary from Makeup by Mary B.This was a fun way to reflect on my green journey and it was so interesting to learn from and read other bloggers’ stories.…
Thanks to Katie from The Green Product Junkie for tagging me in this beauty tag! I love reading other bloggers’ answers to tags and this one had some fun questions. This tag was originally started by Sonja from Life in Blush.…

First, welcome to the blog’s new web address: pleinvanity.com! If you’re subscribed by email, RSS or Bloglovin you should be automatically redirected. For new readers, make sure to bookmark, subscribe and tune in to pleinvanity.com for all future posts!
I must be extremely hungry this week because most of the links I’ve gathered seem to be about food…oh well!