CAP Beauty: NYC’s First Green Beauty Brick & Mortar Shop

When I first heard word that the founders behind the trendy West Village clothing and accessories boutique, Castor & Pollux were opening up a brick and mortar green beauty shop in NYC, I could barely contain my excitement. CAP Beauty (which stands for the store’s former name, Castor & Pollux as well as “clean and pure”) will be the first Manhattan store dedicated to natural, organic and plant-based beauty and wellness products.

Castor & Pollux will reopen as CAP Beauty in it’s newly renovated space in 2015. Featuring amazing local brands as well as new international brands to discover, CAP Beauty is already the talk of the town. Sarita of Edible Facial, organized a lovely blogger brunch and visit at CAP Beauty for all of us local folk. As expected, it was a fun time catching up with blogger friends (it never seems like enough time), meeting the store’s founders and other brand owners, and of course, drooling over the delicious beauty and skincare bounty. Heaven!

Founders Kerrilynn Pamer and Cindy DiPrima have not only been friends for 20 years but share a deep love for wellness and inspired living. Kerrilynn introduced natural beauty to her customers at Castor & Pollux in 2010 and after watching the interest grow, became enthralled by natural beauty and wellness herself. The idea for CAP Beauty developed as both Pamer and DiPrima struggled to find a single store in NYC committed to natural beauty. CAP Beauty was created with the hopes to be “a store stocked exclusively with naturals, where customers could experience and learn about these amazing products through treatments, testing and conversation.”

CAP Beauty is currently having a holiday pop-up shop in their current space (amidst the small renovations) during the holiday season and the response has been tremendous. Apparently, on the opening day of the pop-up there was a constant line out the door with eager shoppers. Brooke Shields even stopped by to shop while we were there!

I was enamored with all the amazing brands in the store and had the most difficult time trying to decide what to purchase. There were way too many beautiful products! (My indecisiveness got the best of me and I ended up not getting anything but know I will be back.) What I saw in the store is only about half of what will be featured in the fully renovated store AND there also be an awesome downstairs space for wellness-centered spa treatments. So cool, right?!

CAP Beauty also has a pretty rad website where you can purchase everything that’s in the shop online. Not to mention there are some exclusive products only at CAP Beauty such as The CAPtivator Energy Mist, a collaboration between CAP Beauty and popular flower remedies brand, Lotus Wei. I received this mist and let me tell you, it’s amazing. Perfect for re-energizing yourself during the day, setting a positive mood, or just to make you smell pretty and refreshed. It smells divine!

CAP Beauty also features thoughtfully-curated beauty boxes, the Beauty CAPsules that would make perfect last minute gifts for green beauty newbies or seasoned product junkies. You can even put together a bespoke Beauty CAPsule by selecting any products you’d like.

Thank you Sarita and CAP Beauty for putting together this fun event! Also shoutout to my lovely green beauty friends who I’m always excited to see: Marcy, Katie, Yeiza, Ali, Jackie, Lola, Tina, Kristen, and of course the amazing Sarita.

Here’s to more green beauty hangouts and more local shops following in CAP Beauty’s footsteps! I’m definitely excited for this shop’s bright future and its ability to influence others towards using healthier products.
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CAP Beauty is located at 238 W 10th Street, New York, NY 10014.

Shop CAP Beauty in-store or online and follow them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.



  1. Reply

    Mademoiselle nature (@MlleNature)

    December 19, 2014

    What a nice shop! I hope to check it out if I go to NY end of January. x

    • Reply


      December 19, 2014

      Thanks Audrey! Let me know if you do come to visit, would love to meet up! 🙂

  2. Reply


    December 20, 2014

    Looks like such a gorgeous shop! 🙂 xx

    • Reply


      December 22, 2014

      It is! And I can’t imagine how much more amazing it will be after the construction and official launch! I’m excited to visit the shop again in it’s complete glory 🙂

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    Sarita Rosenhaus Coren

    December 22, 2014

    Kasey, as ever, you CAPtured the breakfast/brunch perfectly. It was so much fun getting to hang out and feeling confused about what to buy together! I could only choose once everyone left and even then it was overwhelming. The selection is THAT fabulous, it’s hard to imagine it getting better. I hope to see you at the actual launch for more fun and spending blitzes. Oh! The CAPtivator really does smell fantastic! I can’t get enough of it. (Perhaps there’s a serum in the works?!) Great post!

    • Reply


      December 22, 2014

      Haha I see what you did there! 😉 Sarita, thank you again for organizing this fun get-together! Yes, I will definitely be back for the actual launch or at least visit the store a few more times to try to figure out what I need to purchase next 😉 Ooh a CAPtivator serum would be amazing! This store and all the lovely products have certainly CAPtured my heart…


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