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pai skincare

Shop Green Black Friday 2018: Eco-Beauty & Fashion Deals

The holiday season is upon us! It seems like the decorations and shop promotions come out earlier each year, and the pressure of gift-giving begins sooner… While this season should not be just about the gifts, I usually post a list of deals and promotions because I think if there is ever a time to shop for and gift clean beauty/skincare or ethical/eco-fashion, the time is now!…

Shop Less, But Shop Better | 2017 Green Black Friday Deals

It’s starting to be that busy time of the year and in the midst of all the chaos, I’ve been continually reminded to focus on family and my own well-being. I’ll be finishing up my graduate studies (for good!) right before Christmas this year and I’m so excited to spend time with my family and friends without the usual school distractions and stress looming over me.…