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Comfy, Sustainable Clothing to Wear at Home from Pact’s Earth Day Sale

Pact is a sustainable fashion brand that is well-known for their affordable, comfy basics and undergarments. In honor of Earth Day, Pact has an amazing Earth Day sale happening right now, with up to 30% off everything. Since we’re all spending more time at home these days, there’s no better time to discover some lounge-worthy, work-from-home clothing that’s also sustainable and ethically made, and pretty stylish too.

Not Your Basic White T-Shirt: Organic Basics SilverTech Tee Regulates Body Temperature & Reduces Laundry

Organic Basics always delivers on stylish and functional sustainable undergarments. In addition to a commitment to transparent and environmentally friendly practices, the brand encourages consumers to be more conscious of buying habits and to prioritize quality over quantity. I admire Organic Basics not only for their clothing, but also for the innovative design methods and initiatives that help progress sustainable fashion.

In Pursuit Of: Petite-Friendly, Sustainable Summer Jackets

One thing that I struggle with in dressing for the summer isn’t knowing what to wear per say, but finding office-appropriate clothes that’s also weather-appropriate. I work in a corporate office in downtown D.C. and while summers can be furiously hot and humid, dressing for office-life means layering so that I’m cool enough on my commute to and from the office, yet warm enough to survive a full day in the heavily-A.C.’d…

of interest: plastic-eating mutant enzymes & owning a share of an ethical retailer

“Of interest” stories about the discovery of bacteria that can break down plastic bottles within days, new green beauty product releases, the opportunity to own a share of the ethical beauty and lifestyle shop Petit Vour, a “buy in bulk” option at Meow Meow Tweet, the discontinuation of Kjaer Weis mascara, and a Fair Trade denim line from Madewell.…

Shop Green Black Friday 2018: Eco-Beauty & Fashion Deals

The holiday season is upon us! It seems like the decorations and shop promotions come out earlier each year, and the pressure of gift-giving begins sooner… While this season should not be just about the gifts, I usually post a list of deals and promotions because I think if there is ever a time to shop for and gift clean beauty/skincare or ethical/eco-fashion, the time is now!…