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credo beauty

Shop Green Black Friday 2018: Eco-Beauty & Fashion Deals

The holiday season is upon us! It seems like the decorations and shop promotions come out earlier each year, and the pressure of gift-giving begins sooner… While this season should not be just about the gifts, I usually post a list of deals and promotions because I think if there is ever a time to shop for and gift clean beauty/skincare or ethical/eco-fashion, the time is now!…

Wellness in Beauty: W3LL People Bio Tint Multi-Action Moisturizer & Expressionist Liquid Eyeliner

Along with their chic, refreshed packaging and in-store intro at Target stores nationwide, W3LL People recently added a couple of brand new products to their offerings. Their new Bio Tint Multi-Action Moisturizer and Expressionist Liquid Eyeliner were the two products that I was most curious about trying out and to my delight, available at my local Target store.…