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Au Natural Factual Friday: Chia Seeds

Cha-cha-cha-Chia! I’m not going to be talking about those cute plant creatures that grow in a tabletop pot, but Chia seeds, the seeds from those plants.

Chia seeds have been all the health-food rage since it’s 2012 induction, dubbed as a super-foods supplement, chia seeds are super-nutrients that helps control hunger and enhance one’s diet.…

Look Up Product Ingredients on the Go: There’s An App For That!

When shopping, ever find yourself browsing the newest “organic” or “natural” product on the market and trying to make sense of the ingredients only to find a long, convoluted list of names and chemicals?

Many times I’ve put a product back on the shelf because thinking about the ingredients was too frustrating and due to my inner research-nerd, if the ingredients are too incomprehensible or unrecognizable I don’t initially end up buying it.…

Vapour Beauty’s Birthday Sale Today!

Happy Birthday Vapour Beauty!

The legendary natural beauty brand, Vapour Beauty is celebrating their birthday today and offering 15% off of all their products until Sunday, August 11th.

Shop the sale here:

Trusted by many makeup artists and celebrities, Vapour Beauty is a leading brand in innovative, high-quality performing organic and natural beauty products.…