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vapour organic beauty

The One That Got Away

One of my earliest memories of shopping for makeup was during the summer before 8th grade. I had triumphantly received a gift card to Sephora for my birthday as a gift from a friend. With only a mundane knowledge of sparkly lip gloss and neon nail polish, I dragged my mom to the makeup haven that was Sephora to make my very first “upscale” makeup purchase.…

Shop Less, But Shop Better | 2017 Green Black Friday Deals

It’s starting to be that busy time of the year and in the midst of all the chaos, I’ve been continually reminded to focus on family and my own well-being. I’ll be finishing up my graduate studies (for good!) right before Christmas this year and I’m so excited to spend time with my family and friends without the usual school distractions and stress looming over me.…