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Celebrate Green Beauty Black Friday 2015!


There’s no better time than now to reflect on the blessings we have and rejoice with friends and family. It’s also a great time to get shopping for those you love and to support small and local businesses!

I don’t like to emphasize shopping like crazy or finding the importance in things, but there are many great deals to encourage more people to be introduced to green beauty and buy fewer, better quality, nontoxic products.…

My Indie Beauty Expo Recap

Indie Beauty Expo event

The much anticipated, first ever Indie Beauty Expo was last week and it was probably the biggest green beauty event to hit New York City since A Night For Green Beauty 2 years ago. Of course, I had to attend and I was honored to not only be attending as a blogger and beauty aficionado, but also representing the editorial team from Thoughtfully Magazine along with our beauty editor, Rebecca Casciano.…