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I must be extremely hungry this week because most of the links I’ve gathered seem to be about food…oh well! 😉 A bit late this week, but Happy Thursday!
Maybe I should blame the book I’m currently reading, Ann Mah’s new novel, “Mastering the Art of French Eating: Lessons in Food and Love From a Year in Paris” (a clever play on Julia Child’s quintessential cookbook title). I’m enjoying reading all about Mah’s delightful adventures in learning the origins of French cuisine. — Amazon
Who ever said playing with food isn’t a good thing? This mother from Malaysia sure has an artful talent for transforming her daughter’s meals into edible Halloween masterpieces — The Kitchen
Yum! These Frida Kahlo sugar cookies are as adorable as they are yummy-sounding. Plus, I’m pretty sure this was a sign for me to get started on my Halloween costume…hint hint — A Beautiful Mess
In celebration of Food Day, the EWG came out with a handy shopping guide, “Good Food on a Tight Budget”. The EWG’s nutrition team analyzed about 1,200 types of food and handpicked the best to be included in the guide. The guide includes the healthiest foods that can be found at good prices, with the fewest pesticides, contaminants and artificial ingredients. Check it out! I know I’ll want to study up on this before hitting the supermarket — Environmental Working Group
This video for swimwear designer, Karla Colletto’s ’14 cruise collection seems very Wes Anderson-inspired and I highly approve — Refinery 29
Expected to fetch between $500,000-$750,000 at auction at Sotheby’s, this gorgeous Leica digital camera is drool-worthy. Based on the Leica-M model which costs $7,000, it was designed by an Apple’s Chief of Design, Jony Ive — The Verge
I cannot BEAR these super adorable donuts from Japan — Rocket News
Japan always knows how to do design and innovation best. Check out this amazing office building where a corporate setting is totally transformed by the presence of in-office, urban farming facilities. The space is complete with 200 species of fruit, vegetables and rice which are maintained and harvested by office workers. The produce eventually ends up in the office cafeteria. — Spoon Tamago