Green Beauty Swap With The Life Cake


During the Christmas holiday season, Ria from Naturia Beauty organizes a lovely international green beauty swap. Iย was very excited to join in this year and was paired with UK blogger, Kate from The Life Cake. We talked about our beauty/skincare likes and dislikes, the brands we wereย interested in trying, and a bit about ourselves. It was great chatting with Kateย and niceย to see how much we had in common. Without further ado, here’s what Kate sent me (in a superย cute sparkly pink box):

Balm Balm Face Balm (and more!) Rose Geranium: This popular British skincare brand has been raved about by all the UK bloggers I follow and I was soย excitedย to see a Balm Balm product in myย package from Kate. Not to mention, a rose-based one! This multipurpose balm really caught my eye, I’m obsessed with products that can used multiple ways! This is a nice, lightweight balm that moisturizes dry spots and never feels greasy. I like theย gel texture and how it instantly sinks into skin. The balm can be virtually anywhere you experience dryness:ย face, neck, lips, feet, elbows, or hands. So far I’ve loved using this on my face as a light moisturizer (not greasy at all), on my hands, and sometimes (mostly when I’ve forgotten my lip balm,) on my lips. I’m amazed at how well this balm really moisturizes and soothes skinย in so many ways! Withย such a simple formula featuring 100%ย organic ingredients (shea butter, sunflower oil, beeswax, calendula oil, jojoba oil, and rose geranium oil), I’m overly impressed.ย This is now a mainstay multi-use product in my purse and it’s great to have on-the-go with my dry, winter skin. Loving the sweet rose scent too!

Figs and Rouge Sheer & Shimmer Clear Lipbalm: I’d never heard of this brand before but Kate said that this is a well-known natural lipcareย brand in the UK. I love the colorful packaging and the cute squeeze tube which reminded me of those iconic L’Occitane hand creams. This product is really interesting;ย it’s a petroleum-free lip balm withย a clear gel-like formula that feels almost like a lip gloss though not sticky at all. The balm goes on super smooth and really moisturizes well. I like that the formula is lightweight and keeps my dry lips soothed andย hydrated for quite a while. I also love that this clear lip balm adds a perfect glossy sheen to lips which is nice to wear alone or over a lip color. And seriously, the Mocha Orange flavor is delicious! Must remind myself this is not candy…


Bodhi and Birch Neroli Luce Revitalising Face Oil: Another British brand that I have been stalking following for the longest time! This luxe facial oil has some amazing natural ingredients especially for my dry, sensitive skin like Tunisian Neroli, Sea Buckthorn oil, and Jojoba oil among others. I’m not a fan of the scent from the neroli and frankincense in this product but this facial oil feels so moisturizing and nourishing on my skin, I can definitely look past the scent. I’m enjoying using this oil at night to continue hydrating and beautifying my skin. It really keeps my face hydrated well and my skin looks and feels great when I wake up. Definitely a heavier oil for which I’m reserving for nighttime pampering. I’d love to try more from this brand!

Lily Lolo Natural Lipstick in Desire: Lily Lolo is such a popular natural cosmetics brand in Europe and I’ve been eyeing their products for a while. I haven’t tried much from Lily Lolo as they only recently launched in North America but I’m already in love with this beautiful lipstick. Desire is a gorgeous, true-red color that is very pigmented. The formula is smooth, hydrating and long-wearing. The pigmentation lasts throughout the day and leaves behind a faint stain on the lips, I love it! As a fellow lipstick junkie, Kate knew I’d be obsessed with this!
Flora Tea: Kate mentioned she couldn’t not include things from the UK without some tea! I’m glad she did because tea is one of my favorite things. This British tea sounds really cool: it’s aย handcrafted green tea with natural herbal flowers. Described as “tea hearts”, once they are placed in warm water, the tea hearts literally blossom into beautiful flowers! ย The brand advises to brew the tea in a large heat-resistant wine glass for 4-7 minutes so you can see the full effect. I haven’t tried this yet but can’t wait to!
Kate also included a handful of lovely samples for me as well. I’m definitely curious about using the Cowshed Horny Cow Seductive Body Lotion! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Teehee!

Thanks Kate for picking such lovely products, I’m loving all of them! ย And thanks again to Ria for organizing this fun blogger swap!

Follow Kate’s lovely blog, The Life Cake and check out what products I sent her!

January 21, 2015



  1. Reply


    January 19, 2015

    Figs & Rouge is one of my favorite brands! Their stuff is just sooo moisturizing.

    • Reply


      January 20, 2015

      I was so pleasantly surprised by Figs & Rouge! Really a relief to my dry, chapped lips ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to try more from them.

  2. Reply


    January 19, 2015

    She picked some great products! I have one Lily Lolo lipstick and I love it ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    • Reply


      January 20, 2015

      She really did! ๐Ÿ™‚ The Lily Lolo lipstick is fab! I’m already dreaming about which color I want next… ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. Reply


    January 20, 2015

    You got some really good products! I hope you’ll like them.

    • Reply


      January 20, 2015

      Kate did such a wonderful job! I’m so pleased with everything I received ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Reply


    January 20, 2015

    Oooo I’m so excited that these posts are starting to come out! I should go work on mine…

    • Reply


      January 20, 2015

      I know, I’ve enjoyed seeing all the swap posts! Can’t wait to read yours and see what you received, Heather!

  5. Reply


    January 20, 2015

    You got some lovely things, always love Balm Balm! x

    • Reply


      January 20, 2015

      Thanks Tania, I’ve been using my Balm Balm product everyday and I love it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Really don’t know how I lived without it…

  6. Reply


    January 21, 2015

    Aww some lvoely products! Neroli Luce is my favourite oil ever and I love the Balm Balm, balms haha!

    • Reply


      January 21, 2015

      Haha I agree Amber! I’m really loving all the products but the Bodhi & Birch oil and Balm Balm balm have been 2 products I’ve been using daily! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Reply


    January 22, 2015

    Im glad you like all your prods Kasey!! Im still loving mine – a bit too much! ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    • Reply


      January 23, 2015

      Haha So glad to hear, Kate! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m loving all of mine still sooo much, you did an amazing job. Thank you again! xo

  8. Reply

    Ru (@shortsmallsweet)

    January 24, 2015

    I’m so jealous of your swap package! Very lovely combination of UK products here, lucky you. I think Neroli Luce is going to be a hit with you, though I’ve not tried anything from Bodhi before but from reviews they seem to be a very good skincare brand. Enjoy these goodies, and hope you share a FOTD with that Lily Lolo lipstick! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Reply


      January 25, 2015

      Thanks Ru! I’m loving everything I received from the swap and couldn’t have asked for a better swap mate ๐Ÿ™‚ Will definitely have to share a FOTD with the Lily Lolo lipstick, the color is absolutely gorgeous. I’ll be so sad once my Neroli Luce runs out!

  9. Reply

    Ria (@NatuRiaBeauty)

    January 27, 2015

    You got some great gifts from Kate! So glad you enjoyed joining in with the swap ๐Ÿ™‚ x

    • Reply


      January 27, 2015

      Thanks again for organizing the swap, Ria! I loved the gifts I received from Kate and it was so fun to participate this year! ๐Ÿ™‚


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