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Plaine Products: Resolving Plastic Waste Through Recyclable, Refillable Hair & Body Products + A Discount!

Plaine Products body lotion and shampoo- Plein Vanity reviewThrough my journey of understanding healthier, cleaner ingredients and formulas in beauty and skincare products, I’ve naturally become more conscious about purchasing items that have less of an impact on the environment, particularly in reducing waste. I’ve taken a great interest in brands that offer products with innovative and convenient solutions encouraging customers to easily lead more sustainable, and waste-free lives.…

Sustainable and Affordable: Preserve Products

The world has gotten to an age we are all thinking more consciously about the types of food we eat, what ingredients are in our cosmetics and skincare, and even how our clothes are manufactured. There is an increased interest in sustainability and waste, but how often do you think about the impact products like your toothbrushes and razors have on the environment?…